Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel

The Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel (Toy Worlds Museum Basel) houses the largest collection of historical teddy bears, grocery shops, dolls, and contemporary miniatures. Visitors of all ages are welcome to join in, marvel, and experience our changing special exhibitions first-hand.

Visitor info

Opening hours and prices

Museum, restaurant and shop:

Tue to Sun
from 10am to 6pm


in December daily from 10am to 6pm 


Standard entry

CHF 7.—

Discounted entry (Seniors, Persons with disabilities)

CHF 5.—

Children and youth (up to 16 years of age)


Children up to 12 years of age only when accompanied by an adult

Opening hours and prices


Guided tours, workshops and events

Seifenblasen Event

2 pm – 4 pm


Draussen vor dem Museum warten eine Seifenblasenkünstlerin und ein Seifenblasenkünstler auf euch. Sie zeigen euch die Kunst der Seifenblasen und wenn ihr Lust habt, könnt ihr selber welche steigen lassen.

Visite guidée publique (Français)

2 pm – 3 pm

Visite guidée publique (Français)

La visite guidée de soixante minutes environ vous permettra de plonger dans l’univers fascinant de notre collection permanente ainsi que dans les thématiques des expositions temporaires. Langue: Français.

Les visites guidées sont comprises dans le prix de l’entrée. Une inscription n’est pas nécessaire.

Trickfilm Workshop

9 am – 12 pm

Basler Ferien Pass: Animated cartoon workshop

Have you ever thought about producing your own animated cartoon? Using plasticine, paper, a tripod and a camera, you and your friends will create a short animated film and add sound to it. Guided by Kaspar Flückiger from trickfilm.ch.
Registration: www.basler-ferienpass.ch

All Events

Current Display Windows
