Guided tours, workshops and events

Seifenblasen Event

2 pm – 4 pm


Draussen vor dem Museum warten eine Seifenblasenkünstlerin und ein Seifenblasenkünstler auf euch. Sie zeigen euch die Kunst der Seifenblasen und wenn ihr Lust habt, könnt ihr selber welche steigen lassen.

Visite guidée publique (Français)

2 pm – 3 pm

Visite guidée publique (Français)

La visite guidée de soixante minutes environ vous permettra de plonger dans l’univers fascinant de notre collection permanente ainsi que dans les thématiques des expositions temporaires. Langue: Français.

Les visites guidées sont comprises dans le prix de l’entrée. Une inscription n’est pas nécessaire.

Trickfilm Workshop

9 am – 12 pm

Basler Ferien Pass: Animated cartoon workshop

Have you ever thought about producing your own animated cartoon? Using plasticine, paper, a tripod and a camera, you and your friends will create a short animated film and add sound to it. Guided by Kaspar Flückiger from

Trickfilm Workshop

9 am – 12 pm

Basler Ferien Pass: Animated cartoon workshop

Have you ever thought about producing your own animated cartoon? Using plasticine, paper, a tripod and a camera, you and your friends will create a short animated film and add sound to it. Guided by Kaspar Flückiger from

Ballone Museum

10 am – 4 pm


It’s high time for another summer jamboree: pop in and join us for some arts and crafts fun, all kinds of games, and culinary delights.

Plush, Play & Pioneers - 
Women in toy design, Wednesday matinée

10 am – 12 pm

Wednesday matinée

Guided tour of the exhibition followed by coffee and cake
Registration requested: info@swm-basel.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.comcomcomcomch

Libuse Niklova

10 am – 12 pm

Libuše Niklová – upcycling PET bottles

Make a fun pet figure with moving parts.
Minimum age: 8; limited number of participants
Registration requested: info@swm-basel.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.comcomcomcomch

Visita guidata pubblica (Italiano)

2 pm – 3 pm

Visita guidata pubblica (Italiano)

Durante la visita di un’ora vi immergerete nel mondo affascinante della collezione permanente e nelle tematiche delle mostre temporanee. Lingua: Italiano.

Le visite guidate sono comprese nel biglietto d'ingresso. Iscrizione non necessaria.

Renate Müller

1 pm – 5.30 pm

Renate Müller – Bauhaus cuddle pillow

Create a throw pillow based on Renate Müller’s designs.
For kids aged 5 or over; they must be accompanied by an adult. Limited number of participants.
Registration requested: info@swm-basel.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.notexisting@nodomain.comcomcomcomch

Öffentliche Führung (Deutsch)

2 pm – 3 pm

Öffentliche Führung (Deutsch)

Während des rund 60-minütigen Rundgangs tauchen Sie in die spannende Welt der Sammlung und in die Themen der Sonderausstellungen ein. Sprache: Deutsch.

Die öffentlichen Führungen sind im Eintrittspreis von CHF 7.- enthalten. Keine Anmeldung nötig.

Caroline Märklin

10 am – 6 pm

Caroline Märklin – outdoor railway

Public Guided Tour (English)

2 pm – 3 pm

Public Guided Tour (English)

Immerse yourself in the exciting collection and special exhibition during a 60-minute guided museum tour. Language: English.

Tours are included in the entrance fee. No registration required.

Visite guidée publique (Français)

2 pm – 3 pm

Visite guidée publique (Français)

La visite guidée de soixante minutes environ vous permettra de plonger dans l’univers fascinant de notre collection permanente ainsi que dans les thématiques des expositions temporaires. Langue: Français.

Les visites guidées sont comprises dans le prix de l’entrée. Une inscription n’est pas nécessaire.